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Lord, You call us to be Your witnesses.

‘Lift up a banner in the land! Blow the trumpet among the nations!’ (Jeremiah 51:27). Lord, You call us to be Your witnesses. If we are growing in our fellowship with You, we will want others to know what they’re missing. We will want them to know how much blessing they could know - if they put their faith in Christ and began to walk with Him day-by-day.  Help us to give our testimony: ‘The Lord is my Banner’, ‘His banner over me is love’ (Exodus 17:15; Song of Solomon 2:4). Help us to make sure that our ‘trumpet’ gives out ‘a clear call’, calling people to come to Christ. May we point them to Christ, calling them to trust Him as Saviour and obey Him as Lord. Teach us, Lord, to show them the way to true happiness: ‘Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey’ (Mission Praise, 760).


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