Help us, Lord, to see clearly the great contrast between those who belong to Christ - ‘My servants
will sing out of the joy of their hearts’ - and those who have refused
to come to Christ for salvation - ‘You will cry out from anguish of
heart and wail in brokenness of spirit’ (Isaiah 65:14). You are preparing a great
future ‘for those who love Him’ - ‘I will create a new heaven and a new
earth’. You are calling us away from our sins - ‘Past things will not be
remembered. They will not come to mind’. You are calling us to Your ‘holy
mountain’. How can we enter into our full enjoyment of God’s eternal
salvation? Your Word tells us: ‘I will pay attention to those who are
humble and sorry for their sins and who tremble at My Word’ (Isaiah 65:17,25;
Isaiah 66:2; 1 Corinthians 2:9). Help us to make sure that we belong to Christ. May we put our
faith in Him (John 3:18,36).
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