read, Lord about slaves being ‘set free.’ We think, "This is great!"
Then, we read about things going wrong - ‘Afterwards they changed their
minds and took back the slaves... and enslaved them again’ (Jeremiah
34:8-11). What, Lord, do You have to say about this? - ‘You have turned
round and dishonoured Me... You took back the slaves... You forced them
into slavery again... You have not obeyed Me’ (Jeremiah 34:16-17). We
thank You that Jesus isn’t like these slavemasters! He doesn’t only
promise us freedom. He gives us our freedom: ‘If the Son sets you free,
you will be free indeed’. He doesn’t come to us with ‘a pack of lies’ -
promising this, that and the other, and then breaking every promise. We
thank You that He sets us free with His Word of truth - ‘You shall know
the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:36,32; Psalm
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